Source code for

"""Run shell commands asynchronously with :class:`Executor`."""
from subprocess import CalledProcessError
import asyncio
from .runnable import Runnable

[docs]class Shell(Runnable): """Run shell commands asynchronously with few keystrokes. Examples:: from aioshell import Executor, Shell exe = Executor() # If you don't care about shell's output exe.add(Shell('date >/tmp/aioshell')) # Output can be read later from Shell object shell = Shell('date', stdout=Shell.TRUE) exe.add(shell) # We won't add any other task, so let's finish: exe.finish() # All the tasks are done after finish(), so stdout is now available: print(shell.stdout) The constructor has all the information to run a shell command. It will be run after being passed as an argument to :func:`Executor.add`. The default behavior is to capture only stderr output (for error debugging). :param str cmd: shell command to be executed. :param str title: a meaninful name for your task for debugging purposes. :param stdout: whether or not to capture stdout. Default: don't capture. :type stdout: :const:`Shell.DEVNULL` or :const:`Shell.TRUE` :param stderr: whether or not to capture stderr. Default: capture. :type stderr: :const:`Shell.TRUE`, :const:`Shell.DEVNULL` or :const:`Shell.ERR2OUT` :var str cmd: shell command (constructor's argument). :var str title: title as in the constructor. :var int returncode: shell exit code. :var str stdout: shell standard output. None if not requested or not executed. :var str stderr: shell standard error. None if not requested or not executed. """ TRUE = asyncio.subprocess.PIPE """Capture stdout or stderr output.""" DEVNULL = asyncio.subprocess.DEVNULL """Ignore stdout or stderr output.""" ERR2OUT = asyncio.subprocess.STDOUT """Mix stderr and stdout outputs in stdout.""" def __init__(self, cmd, title=None, stdout=None, stderr=None): """Create the object without running *cmd* yet.""" if title is None: title = cmd if stdout is None: stdout = Shell.DEVNULL if stderr is None: stderr = Shell.TRUE self.cmd, self.title = cmd, title self._stdout, self._stderr = stdout, stderr self.returncode = self.stdout = self.stderr = None @asyncio.coroutine
[docs] def run(self): """*(coroutine)* Execute shell command asynchronously. You should not call this method directly. Instead, pass this object as an argument to :func:`Executor.add`. :return: coroutine for the shell stdout (also found as an attribute). :rtype: :ref:`coroutine <coroutine>`, str :raises: :class:`CalledProcessError <subprocess.CalledProcessError>` """ # Create the subprocess, redirect the standard output into a pipe shell = yield from asyncio.create_subprocess_shell(self.cmd, stdout=self._stdout, stderr=self._stderr) rcode, stdout, stderr = yield from self._get_process_info(shell) self.returncode, self.stdout, self.stderr = rcode, stdout, stderr if rcode != 0: raise CalledProcessError(rcode, self.cmd, stdout, stderr) else: return self.stdout
@asyncio.coroutine def _get_process_info(self, shell): stds_bytes = yield from shell.communicate() stdout = _get_output(self._stdout, stds_bytes[0]) stderr = _get_output(self._stderr, stds_bytes[1]) return shell.returncode, stdout, stderr
def _get_output(requested, actual): if requested == Shell.DEVNULL: output = None else: output = actual.decode().rstrip() return output